Sunday, May 3, 2009

This is the most top ten modification extreme contest interior car.The interior design of a car is of most importance when modifing for street credit.We must have a massive range of interior styling ideas to customise any car on the road.This guide gives an inspiration for transforming the interior of any car into a modified street cruising extreme dream machine.

Car Chip Pro let you get more diagnostic info than your car’s built-in computer provides. This device is plugs directly to the OBDII port and will record all sorts of data regarding your car’s performance, driving still and more. When you’re ready to check out the data, just detach the device and attach to your PC through USB to extract the data.

The idea of a gasoline to electric car conversion is quite simple. What we need to do is remove the internal combustion engine (ICE) and replace it with a DC electric motor. Since the engine is gone, all of its associated components such as exhaust pipe, fuel lines, radiator unit and fuel pumps are taken out as well. To generate force, the electric motor is linked directly to the transmission unit. To supply power to the motor, a series of lead acid batteries are used.

The process of an electric car conversion is simple but can be very tedious. If you are not familiar with automobile maintenance, you can outsource the retrofitting work to a professional workshop. What you should do is get some basic information on the science of an EV. This is to safe guard you from being charged for unnecessary parts or work done on your vehicle.